Taleworlds Entertainment announced today that Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord the highly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed Mount & Blade: Warband will be coming to Steam Early Access in March 2020. Telltale announced the Bannerlord release during their presentation at Gamescom earlier today.
As seen in the above trailer, Bannerlord will feature updated graphics, new weapons and armor, dynamic ragdoll physics, and much much more.
A few weeks back, the devs made a post discussing new siege mechanics as well. They stated that “sieges in Bannerlord encompass a lot more than simply waiting until the attacker is ready to initiate an assault… there is an active back and forth between the besiegers and the besieged… even on the world map.” Players now have the option of building siege towers, battering rams, and an assortment of other siege weapons. In the past, players had no such choice and were simply given ladders or siege towers depending on the castle type.
Bannerlord is expected to be a vast and unique dynamic sandbox game. Just like the previous games in the series, this installment will feature thrilling combat and strategic management of fiefs and lords. With countless hours of play both on and offline Bannerlord is expected to be a smash hit and live up to the endless amount of hype it has generated since it’s first announcement so many years ago.
The hack-and-slash, lance, crossbow sniping combat we all came to enjoy in the original Mount and Blade will be expanded upon in this upcoming sequel. We expect a wider variety of weapons, better combat, and much more. Ever since Bannerlord was announced fans around the globe have been speculating at what the game will be like and soon we will all be able to find out for ourselves.
We are looking forward to its release and will keep you updated if there is any more news.