Yesterday, Call of Duty: Warzone season 3 dropped and completely changed the game yet again. A few days before, we got a roadmap outlining all the content that’s coming with this season. In this guide, we’re going to take an in-depth look at the Call of Duty: Warzone season 3 roadmap. We’ll analyze everything in it, and offer some speculation as to what all the content means for players. You never know, you might find something that you didn’t know before here.
Call of Duty: Warzone Season 3 Roadmap In-Depth Analysis
There’s a lot to talk about with this season, but we think the best place to start is with the map.
New Map
Prior to the release of season 3, there was a countdown posted on the official Call of Duty Twitter account. This was a countdown to a nuke, and it destroyed a lot of the stuff on the map. This is how the map has been revamped, and it’s brought a very toxic theme with it. That’s not a bad thing though, the theme of toxicity relates to radiation and infection. This means that all the gear and Operators are going to be looking a bit post-apocalyptic for the rest of the season. It makes for a very different kind of experience, but one that players should enjoy.
New Multiplayer Content
There’s a lot of new multiplayer content coming with this season. This all starts with new multiplayer maps. There are four of them. Two are going to be part of this season only, while two will be permanent additions. The two in-season maps are Duga, a map for Multi-Team Elimination games, and Standoff, a map for 6v6 matches. Yamantau is a 6v6 map that’s available for more than just this season, as is Diesel, a 6v6 and 2v2 map.
That’s not all though, there’s more multiplayer content in this season. There are two brand new game modes to experience. These are Sticks and Stones and Multi-Team Elimination. You’ll have to jump into each game type in order to learn more about it. Once you’re experienced with how they work though, you can use the new scorestreak. The new scorestreak is called Strafe Run and appears to call in a couple of jets to blast an area you define with missiles. Quite a powerful weapon if used properly.
There’s a new Warzone Event this season called Hunt for Adler. We imagine it’ll see you out hunting for a specific character, though we don’t have all the details on it just yet. What we are sure of is that this event will tie in with the new map. Maybe someone went missing during the blast. You’ll have to find out when you get your first drop in the game.
In addition to the above event, there’s also one for the midseason for Warzone. It’ll bring some new modes to the game for a limited time, loads of rewards, and a lot of other content. This will be the point where the season lulls, so it’s a good way to encourage yourself to get back into it.
There’s a lot to cover in Zombies mode for Call of Duty: Warzone. There’s an entirely new Outbreak Region called Duga that’s been added. You’ll be able to get out there and take on the undead as soon as you want. to make life easier, there are two new vehicles, the Cargo Truck, and the Fav, both of which can hold multiple players. If that’s not enough, there’s a new Field Upgrade called Toxic Growth. We don’t know what it does just yet, but you can find out by jumping into the mode and taking this upgrade on.
Finally, there’s some new Outbreak Intel to gather. This will probably lead to a conclusion at the end of the season, so it’s worth digging into now if you want to get a head start. Don’t waste your time on this one because it’s going to be very interesting.
Weapons and Operators
There are six new weapons to pick up and experiment with this season. These are the PPSH-41, which looks like an old automatic rifle, the Swiss K31, an old single-shot rifle, the CARV.2, a modern automatic rifle, and the AMP63, a brand new handgun or SMG. Then, there’s the Baseball Bat, which looks incredible. It’s a way for players to get up close and personal and really mess someone else up. If you’d rather do that from afar, then you can use the Ballistic Knife, which sounds as if it will explode soon after impact.
New Operators
four new Operators have been added to the game with season 3. The cover Operator is Wraith, and she looks like she’s able to handle whatever toxic situations come her way. Her gas mask is brilliant and quite fitting for the times. In addition to her, we have Knight, Captain Price, and Antonov. You can play as all of these Operators for season 3, but not all of them will make the transition into the full version of the game when the time comes to move onto season 4.
Prestige Levels
The game is getting some new prestige levels this season too. For those of you who play a ridiculous amount, this is a new lofty goal to aim for. Keep an eye on the prize, and you should eventually get yourself to one of these levels in time.
There’s always more to a season than meets the eye. All of the above is the content that Activision has deemed it necessary for you to know, but you should keep an eye out for what the company isn’t telling you. You could uncover a secret on the map that you’re not aware of, and the community will probably go wild for. Keep your eyes peeled and don’t lose focus. Play to win, but also take in your surroundings and find out what Activision has done to make this season even more special. All it takes is one person to post about it online for it to blow up.