Far Cry 6 has plenty of weapons but in order for you to get them, you either have to buy them from vendors or look for them in crates that are hidden across the open world. If you are looking for the best weapons in Far Cry 6 then you have come to the right place as we are going to pinpoint their locations in this guide.
Best Weapons In Far Cry 6 And How To Get Them
The following are some of the best weapons in Far Cry 6 and how you can get them in the game:
La Varita
La Varita is the best Resolver weapon that you can get in Far Cry 6. It is great when paired with the Triador Supremo. In order to get the weapon, you need to find three relics that are across Yara. These are marked with a purple diamond on the map and can be found in Madrugada, Valley de Oro, and El Este.
Crackle And Pop
This is a unique LMG and the best in the game. It is ideal for mid-range fights as you only have the option to hip fire and cannot aim down sights. It does have some recoil, so you will need to get used to it. You can find the weapon in the center of Esperanza. It is located on the roof of a building on the corner of the open square.
This is one of the best shotguns that you can get in the game. It is a unique weapon and it shoots slug rounds, so you will need to be more accurate when taking shots. But it does pack a punch when you get it right. You can find the weapon at the Taino Peak Relay Station. All you have to do is head to the base of the station climb the ladder and get the weapon.
El Caballero
El Caballero is a unique grenade launcher and it can cause a lot of destruction. It is locked in FI Escudo Steel Plant, in the North West of Madrugada. Once you have the keys, you can head on inside and get it.
This is one of the best rifles that you can get. it comes with blast damage rounds and canted sight as well as tactical sight. It also has improved speed when replacing a mag and improved body shot damage. You can get it from El Rancho Bicho in Cielo Gardens.
This is one of the best bows that you can get in the game if you are into silent killing without being spotted. The bow features Precision Arrows, which allow it to fire arrows straight for a longer distance. It does higher damage when you have the high ground and getting headshots gives you bonus Supremo charges. You can get the bow North of the Verde River checkpoint in Sierra Perdida
The Transubstantiator
This is one of the best snipers in the game. If you like taking out enemies from a distance without drawing attention then this is a weapon that you should get. It does extra damage to unarmored enemies and comes with a scope. It also has improved reload speed and there is a chance that you heal yourself when you deal damage. You can get The Transubstantiator at True Yaran Academy in Cielo Gardens.
El Tirano
If you want a sniper that can one-shot pretty much anything then you are looking for the El Tirano. This weapon has armor-piercing rounds that can go through armor and if you aim for the head then it can take out enemies with a single fire. It features an Advanced Sniper Scope and Large Muzzle Brake. It also comes with an extended magazine and the first shot after a reload does more damage. So you can constantly reload and shoot in order to deal extra damage. You can get the weapon from Escila Fort in Ventosa Peninsula.
These are some of the best weapons in Far Cry 6 and where you can find them. To learn more about the game check out our Far Cry 6 beginner’s guide.