Age Of Empires 4 Relics

How Do Relics Work In Age Of Empires 4?

Relics are golden objects that you will find scattered across the map in Age of Empires 4. These provide bonuses if captured. In this Age of Empires 4 guide, we are going to go over how these relics work and h...
Far Cry 6 Gear

Far Cry 6 Best Gear And Where To Find It

Far Cry 6 does not include the skill tree, everything is unlocked from the start. The bonuses are now linked to the gear in the game. In order to get the different gear pieces, you need to spend money at the v...

Best Characters For Overwatch 2 Push Mode

Overwatch 2, like its prequel, has plenty of characters that you can choose from. All of them are perfectly viable but some are better than others especially when you are playing the Push Mode. In this Overwat...
Monster Hunter Rise Almudron

How To Beat Almudron In Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise has plenty of different monsters that you need to beat. The bigger and badder the monsters the better the rewards. In this Monster Hunter Rise guide, we are going to walk you through how yo...

How To Play Monster Hunter Rise With Friends

Monster Hunter Rise is now available on PC and the best way to play the game is with friends. In this Monster Hunter Rise guide, we are going to walk you through how you can play the game with friends. Do n...
Age Of Empires 4 Mongols

Age Of Empires 4 Mongols Civilization Guide

The Mongols in Age of Empires 4 are horse lords that act like nomads. They move around from place to place and never stay in an area for a long time. In this Age of Empires 4 guide, we are going to walk you th...

Age Of Empires 4 Abbasid Dynasty Guide

The Abbasid Dynasty is one of the civilizations that has been designed for standard play like the English or the French. In this Age of Empires 4 guide, we are going to walk you through everything that you nee...

Age Of Empires 4 Delhi Sultanate Guide

The Delhi Sultanate is one of the military-oriented civilizations in Age of Empires 4 and is ideal for dominating enemies in the game. In this Age of Empires 4 guide, we are going to go over everything that yo...

Age Of Empires 4 Rus Civilization Guide

The Rus civilization in Age of Empires 4 is a unique one as it relies heavily on hunting. In this Age of Empires 4 guide, we are going to go over how you can play as the Rus civilization. Age Of Empires 4 R...

Age Of Empires 4 French Civilization Guide

There are different civilizations in Age of Empires 4 and they all play differently. The French civilization is a classic and it might feel a bit familiar if you have played the previous games. In this Age of ...

Age Of Empires 4 Chinese Civilization Guide

The Chinese are known for their efficiency and are a great building civilization. In this Age of Empires 4 guide, we are going to go over how you should play as the Chinese civilization. Chinese Civilizati...
Age of empires 4 english

Age Of Empires 4 English Civilization Guide

There are plenty of different civilizations that you can play as in Age of Empires 4 but the English civilization is one of the best for beginners. In this Age Of Empires 4 guide, we are going to go over how y...
Age Of Empires 4 Civilizations

The Best Civilizations In Age Of Empires 4

There are plenty of different civilizations that you can play as in Age of Empires 4. All of them have different strengths and perks. But which ones are the best? In this Age of Empires 4 guide, we are going t...

Should You Kill Sean McKay In Far Cry 6?

You do not have any choices in Far Cry 6 other than deciding the fate of Sean McKay. You can either kill him or let him go. In this Far Cry 6 guide, we are going to go over what happens if you decide to kill S...
Far Cry 6 Secret Ending

How To Unlock The Secret Ending In Far Cry 6

Just like the previous Far Cry games, Far Cry 6 has a secret ending. There are specific things that you need to do in order to get the ending and it is pretty easy to miss. In this Far Cry 6 guide, we are goin...