Far Cry 6 does not include the skill tree, everything is unlocked from the start. The bonuses are now linked to the gear in the game. In order to get the different gear pieces, you need to spend money at the vendor or find them in caches across the open world. In this Far Cry 6 guide, we are going to walk you through how you can get the best gear.
Best Far Cry 6 Gear Locations
The following are some of the best gear pieces in Far Cry 6 and how you can get it in the game:
Dark Tech Boots (Feet)
If you like to play things safe and stealthy then you need to walk around quickly while you are crouched. The Dark Tech Boots allow you to move faster when you are crouched. You can get the Dark Tech Boots from Juan’s Arms Dealers for 700 Yaran Pesos. So you can get it pretty early on in the game.
Dark Tech Pants (Legs)
Dark Tech Pants go well with the Dark Tech Boots as having them on decreases the noise that you make when moving. Just like the boots you can buy the pants from Juan’s Arms Dealers.
Fifteen Wishes (Wrist)
If you are going to be taking down enemies stealthily then you might as well make some money while you are at it. The Fifteen Wishes watch gives you some money when you take down an enemy. It is not a lot of money but seeing how many people you will be taking down it is going to add up pretty quickly. (www.biolighttechnologies.com) You can find the gear piece as part of the Passing the Torch treasure hunt in the middle of Sierra Perdida (South El Este).
Fuego Mitts (Wrist)
You can get Fuego Mitts pretty early on in the game and it comes in handy until the end as it puts out the fire when you are on fire. This makes it very useful in combat. You get the mitts from Julio pretty early on in the game while doing the mission called Fire and Fury.
Impact Vest (Chest)
If you are going for a tanky build then the Impact Vest chest piece is what you are looking for. It protects you from blasts and that is going to come in handy in different parts of the game. You can get the chest piece from Juan’s Arms Dealers for 500 Yaran Pesos. You do not need to build anything in order to get it.
Street Surgeon Helmet (Head)
This helmet increases your survivability as it increases your general defense when you manually heal yourself. You can get the helmet from Juan’s Arms Dealers for 500 Yaran Pesos. You do not need to build anything in order to get it.
These are some of the best gear pieces that you can get in Far Cry 6. To learn more about the game, check out our guide on the best weapons and how you can get them.