Every location in the Hitman Reboot Trilogy has a Chameleon challenge. These challenges require you to acquire every single disguise. While you don’t need to do this in a single playthrough of a location, you do need to find and disguise Agent 47 in each outfit to get the achievement. In this guide, we’ll cover how to complete the Hitman 3 Mendoza Chameleon challenge. Including where each disguise can vaguely be located.

How to Complete the Hitman 3 Mendoza Chameleon Challenge

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What follows is a list of every single disguise in Mendoza. We’ve also covered where the disguise is, and what you might need to do in order to get it.

Asado Chef Disguise

You’ll pick this disguise up if you follow The Famous Llosa Brothers mission. This is part of one of the three main story missions in the location. You’ll find the disguise being worn in the front yard of the Villa. You can’t miss it if you follow this mission.

Bodyguard Disguise

You’ll see this on all the guards throughout the Villa. There’s a subtle difference between this disguise and Mercenary and Head of Security disguises, but you’ll see it early on in the location. All you need to do is find a guard and get it off of them by knocking them out or killing them.

Chief Winemaker Disguise

There’s a tour that you can follow as part of the story mission, The Tour, in Mendoza. To get the disguise you’ll have to subdue the Chief Winemaker at some point during that tour. At some point you’ll notice that there’s no one around. When you can, seize your opportunity and take the disguise.

Corvo black Disguise

This is a disguise that you have to acquire as part of The Tour story mission. It’s a unique outfit worn by one person. You won’t miss it as long as you follow the story instructions.

Gaucho Disguise

This is another unique disguise, and you’ll be picking it up as part of the story mission called Hello, Cowboy. You’ll be getting it as part of the mission, so follow it and you really won’t miss it.

Head of Security Disguise

The Head of Security will appear as part of The Tour story mission. You’ll see him walk through the barrel and ask for the incredibly rare bottle of champagne. If you follow the mission, you’ll be give the opportunity to take him out and disguise yourself as him. Just make sure no one else is watching when you do.

Herald Disguise

The Herald is a tough disguise to get. You can find it in The Hidden Land, which is where all the wine is stored. Once you get it, you’ll be able to access the basement of the Villa.

Lawyer Disguise

The Lawyer is hanging out in the parking lot that you’ll start out in Mendoza from. You need to find a way to isolate him and get his outfit. It’s not too difficult since this is the start of the mission. Once you have it you can access pretty much anywhere in the Villa.

Mercenary Disguise

From the start of the Mendoza location there are mercenaries walking around in the lavender fields. If you head into them, then you can get the disguise pretty easily. You’ll need to separate the mercenary from his friend, since they usually come in pairs.

Sommelier Disguise

This outfit is part of the Closing Statement story mission. You can acquire it at a few points during the mission. Just make sure, as always, no one sees you take it.

Tactical Wet Suit Disguise

On level 2 of Mendoza there is a man playing music. This is the guy you need to take out in order to get the disguise. It’s not too difficult. distract him and lure him into a safe location so you can dispose of his body afterwards.

Waiter Disguise

Possibly the easiest disguise to get in the location. There are waiters everywhere in Mendoza. Simply lure one away and take their outfit. You might also find one lying around in the staff changing rooms.

Winery Worker Disguise

This disguise is everywhere in the grape fields. You’ll get this as part of The Tour story mission, but you can also acquire it pretty easily if you’re careful while walking the fields.

Agent 47’s Signature Suit and Gloves Disguise

This is a disguise you’ll get towards the end of The Tour story mission. You can pick it up very easily once you’ve taken out your target. If you don’t do the story mission, the outfit is still in the most private of bedrooms in the Villa.

Those are all of the disguises you need to get. Once you’ve gotten them all, you’ll complete the challenge.